Monday, November 21, 2011

Any ideas about strange dime sized spots on my skin since I began allergy shots.?

I moved to the Ohio valley about eight months ago. I immediately began suffering severe allergies and had to start shots and a slew of medications. Perhaps it is unrelated, but I started getting flat, shiny and perfectly round spots near the injection sites. They are only slightly raised and look like bruises. At first I was terrified that I had ringworm, but it never developed the distinctive ring. The allergist thinks it may be excema, but it usually does not itch. Today I saw one on my thigh, near my knee. Eventually the others faded. I actually have been working so much that I didn't have time to schedule with a dermatologist. Now, I am out of work for the summer, so I plan to, but I wonder if anyone has any ideas in the meantime. Thanks.

Any ideas about strange dime sized spots on my skin since I began allergy shots.?
sounds like excema. it looks really similar to ringworm. its just dry flaky skin. with all of your allergies and your new shots and you moving to another place with a different climate its totally possible that your skin is irritated.

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