Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Cortaid for Skin Allergy for Pregnant Woman?

Wife's got allergy and itching sensation on her skin. Applied some Cortaid so feels better in those places. However has this feeling all over her body. Is there some other solution and also is Cortaid Cream application safe for Pregnant Woman?

Cortaid for Skin Allergy for Pregnant Woman?
She should see a dermatologist about this.

In response to whether it is safe for pregnant women, this site has a toll-free line where you can get specific info about certain medications and whether or not they are safe. When pregnant, if in doubt, DON'T!

Reply:This is basically an immune reaction, possibly allergy. All Allergies come from the same root cause.

A group of complex carbohydrates should normally be attached the proteins of every single cell in the human body.

The transfer of all biological data at cellular level depends upon all of those carbohydrates being in place.

Allergies are simply the result of the Immune System being compromised by the depletion of one or more of these carbohydrates. This is four times Nobel Prize winning science, with 350,000 scientific papers being written about it already.

Replacing these missing carbohydrates is quite straight forward, and completely repairs immune function.

No drugs, chemicals or other garbage - will probably enhance pregnancy.

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