Tuesday, July 20, 2010

How do I know if my dog has skin allergies?

She's got a few fav spots she started itching, and she's a little red. My roomie said it was skin allergies but I'm not sure what to look for. I bathed her last week and the redness disappered for a day, but then returned.

Thanks for any insight.

How do I know if my dog has skin allergies?
It is most likely some form of skin alergies, or even just dry skin. This could be caused by the food you are feeding your dog. If you are buying cheap brand food (pedigree, purina, ect.) than most likely your dog is only eating junk and not getting the proper nutrients she needs. These brands are loaded with carbohydrates and not enough protien. Cheaper brand dog food is like feeding your animal "McDonalds".

The concept is simple...if you put down a piece of bread and right next to it a piece of raw meat...what will the dog choose every single time? I hope you said the meat. Why? because dogs are carnivors and their diet calls for plenty of protien and fat.

A good dog food will be filled with plenty of protien and natural fats. This is essential to any animal and helps with their skin and coat. Check the food that you are feeding them, and if does not have plenty of protien...I would definitly try changing it up.

Hope this helps!
Reply:check its back for bumps my dog has allergies to bread and we have been feeding him it and then we noticed bumps if you see bumps take him to a vet to get pills to help
Reply:Change her food they have special dog foods for dogs with dry skin. If that doesn't help the vet can probably prescribe something.
Reply:The only real way is to take her to a veterinary dermatologist and have a skin test done. Usually, they test for environmental allergies. You can also do a food trial to test for food allergies. I work for one and we do 2-3 per week. Then we formulate allergy shots for the dogs. It really seems to help.
Reply:you should talk your dog to the vet
Reply:the best way is too take your dog to the vet....just like humans youre dog could be allergic to anything from fleas to the grass outside.....without testing..its hard to say exactly what
Reply:The only true way to know is to go to your vet. Most dogs are developing wheat allergies though. If you don't want to take him to the vet, but want to see if the symptoms ease...change his diet....buy a SMALL bag of food. Here is a website that I used when I was researching dog food to see what was best for my co-pilots.


It's a mastiff website, but the dog food graded is for all breeds. For my dogs, I chose Natural Balance. My mom's dog has bad allergies and her dog is on Diamond Lamb and Rice. But Kirkland (Costco's brand) also ranks very high.
Reply:take it to the vet


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