My vet prescribed 14 days of steroid's. His skin and paws are much better, but he is a pee machine! He peed in the dining room, the living room, and the stairs. I want his allergies to get better, but I can't take all of the urination. I let him out every hour, and he has been really god about asking to go out when he needs to. But, it's the overnight time period where he just can't hold it. There has to be a better way, any suggestions???
I have Pit Bull, He has terrible skin allergies, they are so bad that his paws swelled up and he wouldnt walk?
I would have to ask if this problem has gotten worse with the turning of the seasons? Allot of times if your pet goes out-side to take care of business and the grass is wet it may trigger his already problem skin in to swollen feet, and the licking causing sore spots. I would say try booties! cover those feet. as for inside business, keep your pet in smaller area like a veri-kennel over night, if he is good about letting you know he needs out well this could be your answer because dogs don't like making a mess were they sleep!As always I would say discuss this with your vet as there could be other medical reason your pet is having problems with wetting.
Reply:It could be his feed.
Reply:okay if you havent gotten a blood test and a fecal test on your dog it would be very wise. if u have any questions i insist you email me thanks
Reply:try calamine lotion,my dog has allergies and he will just eat and eat his feet,and i used that, it works,good luck
Reply:have you tried Benadryl. Used it for an English Bulldog. Worked for mild allergies but not sure for the severe ones but it will not hurt him to try. Not sure if it will conflict with his steroids though so ask your vets first. Good Luck
Reply:That is a normal side effect of steroids. Put him in a room with vinyl or tile floor at night with newspapers - try a bathroom. Make sure he has access to water. The frequent uriation can dehydrate him.
It will end when the drugs end.
With severe allergies - I mean we are talking SWOLLEN FEET - there is NO other good choice.
Benadryl is fine for a bee sting but not for intense allergies.
Diet probably wouldn't have diddly to do with an allergic reaction in is feet or one that sudden and acute. What - did he walk in something???
In the meantime, give him a bath with a hypo-allergenic shampoo to help soothe his skin and remove any irritants from whatever he is allergic to. Wash his bedding in mild hypo-allerenic soap. A lot of dogs have allergic reactions to carpet shampoo or carpet cleaners.
Reply:he may have an allergy to something in his food , if you leave food out all the time try to control his food to a couple of times a day to see if it controls it. on the steriod after the 14 days see if it improves when controlling the food. if not ask about the ingredients that are listed in the food you are feeding there are all natural ingredients such as lamb or venicine, good luck
Reply:Anna is correct, frequent urination and increased thirst are normal side effects of the steroids. Once he's done with this prescription then his bathroom habits will go back to normal.
Have you discussed with your vet, taking him to be tested for allergies and then getting allergy injections once a week? We have several clients who do this at the clinic I work at. Most of the dogs improve greatly while on this regimen. I have two dogs that I have gone this route with, the Pit in my picture and my Keeshond.
The testing can be a little costly, but it's necessary to make sure he's getting the proper injection and dosage. And to make sure that it's not a food allergy. It turned out that was the problem with my Pit, he's allergic to beef, cheese, and corn products. He is on a very strict diet of Lamb and Rice now and I've had no further problems. I have never regretted my decision as it has helped both of my babies tremendously.
I know how frustrating this problem can be. If your dog scratches alot you might want to try putting a t-shirt on him. I did this with my Keeshond because even after the allergy problem was gone she still scratched out of habit. Just a suggestion.
Good Luck!
Reply:Your dog won't stay on that medication long term (at least they shouldn't). You should try some anti-histamines while the prednisone is still in his system. It doesn't hurt to give the 2 together. That way when your pred is out, you will already have something on board to take up where that left off. That medication does cause increased drinking/urinating. But you shouldn't have any side affects with an anti-histamine. But that doesn't mean that there couldn't be. They can stay on anti-histamines year round, 2-3 times daily. But if one doesn't work, don't give up, some dogs don't respond to anti-histamines as well as others. And some dogs may not respond to one anti-histamine, but may respond to a different one. If this doesn't control it, you may have to resort to a food trial, or allergy testing/injections.
Reply:Wear dog diapers on him or take his water away at 8:00 p.m. and keep him in a crate or a bathroom w/piddle pads at night.Try Benadryl and fish oil for the allergies,and try to slowly reduce the steroids to every other day,or try an injection of steroids instead of oral ones;sometimes it makes a difference.
Reply:its the steroids that are making him urinate so frequently - very common side effect from them. Can you keep him in an area overnight where it will be easier to clean up or get up every few hours and let him out? I know its a pain in the butt but its the price we pay for taking care of our babies!
Also, will benadryl or something like it help for after this round of steroids is over? I use it every day for my bulldog.
A pit bull can have 2 pills twice a day. each pill is approx 25 mg.
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